Wednesday, September 21, 2011

upcoming epicness

where in the world is dg magazine? don't worry -- we're still alive! just extraordinarily busy!

after two straight weeks of living and breathing the issue two design, WE'RE ALL DONE!
we can finally begin dropping hints about/preparing solid details for our launch event :)
(October 21st <- save the date!)
and, on top of it all, dg is in the process of dropping a huge surprise-explosion about an upcoming top-secret thing-a-ma-jig we've been working on! (you didn't see it, but I just winked.)

anyways! we've been meaning to post details about some really cool culture&community related events coming up in the Niagara Region (and even a few in Toronto)! :)
you'll be able to find dg at most-- if not all-- these amazing upcoming art/activism gatherings:

this Thursday, September 22nd, 2011, the Niagara region-found record company IndoorShoes presents a whopper of a show: The Wooden Sky, One Hundred Dollars, AND Howler -- with special guests, Souls-- all playing at The Mansion House (5 William Street, St. Catharines, Ont.) starting at 7pm! (tickets are $8 in advance, and $10 at the door - you can pick up tickets online here.) what makes this an even more exciting evening is that Howler (also Niagara region-born) will be releasing their great second EP, 'For Your Own Sake' <- check it out! :)

Friday, September 23rd at 7pm, the Grey Borders Reading Series (GBRS) kicks off the first reading of their 2011-12 line-up! the night is set to feature Zorras Multimedia Troup (all the way from Edinburgh, Scotland,) Camille Martin, Aisha Sasha John, and Shannon Maguire! the event is totally free, and takes place at the Niagara Artists' Centre (354 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines). you can learn more about Zorras' Canadian poetry tour here. (another GBRS presented event is listed below on October 1st.)

Saturday, September 24th, the third annual Vegan Superfriends hosts a massive fundraiser for Conflict Gypsy ("an online archive preserving the history of protest movements for animal rights and environmentalism.") and The Sparrow Project. this is an all day event (8am-11pm) taking place at OPIRG, (21 King Street, St. Catharines,) and is set to include vegan food, workshops, films, music, a speaking by Andy Stepanian, (co-founder of The Sparrow Project,) and a lot more! (the event is $10 at the door - first year students get in for FREE.)

if you're in Toronto this Saturday, September 24th between 3pm-6pm, and looking for something fun to do, you can check out the Feminist Art Gallery (FAG) and The Centre for Fucking the Patriarchy's presentation of New York City artists A.L. Steiner and A.K. Burns' 'Community Action Center: The Exhibition(ist)'! the exhibition is located at the FAG (25 Seaforth Ave-- entrance from the alley on Maple Grove-- Toronto). the event's been described as a "feminist-bookstore-cum-sex-shop-man-cave-porn-theater mash-up". AWESOME. you can visit the event page for more info!

next Friday, September 30th, the Marineland Animal Defense Benefit Show goes down at Strega Cafe (19 King Street, St. Catharines) from 8:30pm-11:30pm! Young Wife, Colleen Unrau, Josh Rikkierink, and Nic Waterman will be lending their musical talents to help raise donations for Marineland Animal Defense-- "a campaign of concerned citizens determined to end animal captivity at Marineland."

Saturday, October 1st, the Grey Borders Reading Series-- just a week after their Zorras event listed above-- hosts yet another great line-up: Geof Huth, Angela Szczepaniak, and NF Huth! the event begins at 8pm at the Niagara Artists' Centre (354 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines). the night will also feature the launch of NF Huth's 3 Words (which was published by Gary Barwin's 'serif of nottingham press'). additionally, the night will also be a reception for Laura Woermke's art show "sick secrets" at the Artists' Centre-- beginning at 7pm! once again, the reading is totally free, but please consider donating to keep them going with more events.

dg is so excited that on Thursday, October 6th at 8pm, Ferno House press launches their fall publications! the event takes place at The Supermarket (268 Augusta Ave., Toronto). chapbooks and readings will include: Black Metal Melody from David Brock, Feel Good! Look Great! Have a Blast! from Spencer Gordon, and Skullambient from Liz Howard! (Ferno will also have some of their other publications at the event, as well!) this launch is one-hundred percent free, but you should definitely pick up a couple of their beautiful chapbooks! join Ferno House on their facebook page.

Wednesday, October 12th at 7pm, Grey Borders Books presents the launch of Visions of a Rainbow Bridge: poetry by Carl David Onofrio and paintings by Wayne Corlis! original art from the book will be on display at the launch which will take place at Mahtay Cafe and Lounge (241 St. Paul Street, St Catharines). Hardcover copies of the book will be on sale for $15, and chapbooks for $10. 

if you're in Toronto on Wednesday, October 12th at 7pm, you should definitely swing by the Gladstone Hotel Ballroom (1214 Queen Street W.) to check out the launch of Dani Couture's new book Algoma. Couture will be sharing a slide-show about her 'obsession with freighters and her favourite fleet', and also having a live discussion with book blogger Jen Knoch about Algoma! cover is only $5, or free with a purchase of the book! more info can be found on the event page!

just the next day, on Thursday, October 13th at 9pm, the awesome (theremin-playing) Liz Worth launches her new poetry collection, Amphetamine Heart (Guernica Editions, 2011). the event is set to feature readings from Jim Johnstone, and dg issue two contributor, Natalie Zina Walschots, who'll also be conducting a live interview with Liz during the launch! the night-- which is goin' down at Parts & Labour (1566 Queen Street W., Toronto)-- will also include freak-show stunts, movie shorts, and punky musical goodness. the cover for such a great night is only $5, or entrance is free if you pick up a copy of the book! check out the event page!

more October and November events will be announced in the coming few weeks :)
 can't wait to see you all at these great events!!

v dg v

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